Institute of Mercantile Agents (IMA) The IMA, established in 1961, represents the professional interests of collectors, investigators, process servers and repossession agents throughout Australia.
Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM) The AICM was founded in 1937 and incorporated in 1967. It is recognised as the authority and professional body which embraces the provision of credit and related services to individuals (consumer credit) and business (commercial credit).
Australian Finance Conference (AFC) Established in 1958, the Australian Finance Conference (AFC) is Australia's national finance industry association. The AFC represents the interests and views of its members to government and provides a variety of other member services. AFC membership is open to companies in the business of credit, finance or financiers.
G-NAF The G-NAF, or Geocoded National Address File is Australia's first authoritative geocoded address index for the whole country, listing all valid physical addresses in Australia. It contains approximately 12.6 million physical addresses, each linked to its unique geocoded (specific latitude and longitude of the address).
Office of the Privacy Commissioner In 2010, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner was integrated into the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). The OAIC deals with three sets of functions; freedom of information (Freedom Of Information Act 1982), privacy (Privacy Act 1988 and other laws) and government information policy (Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010).
Australian School of Security & Investigation The Australian School of Security and Investigations delivers professional quality training to both experienced and non-experienced students pursuing a career in the insurance, corporate or private sector. |